It's been a long time since I published a themeless puzzle. Honestly, I'm not great at creating them and I've been consumed with God of War in my spare time that I haven't really been creating many puzzles of any type. However, I wrote this and submitted it to the Bos Words themeless league. As you can tell, it wasn't selected. I then tried the NYT and the LAT. You can guess how that went. However, being rejected meant I didn't have to write a new puzzle for this week so I'm taking that silver lining and running with it.
Like Hattori Hanzo, I can tell you with no ego that this is my finest themeless puzzle. Hopefully my "fans" agree. I don't think it's really sub-standard to what other themeless puzzles look like but maybe I'm naïve. And I know it's not an elite themeless but I think it holds up well compared to many others. I'm still basking in the Cowboys dismantling of the Vikings yesterday so I'm out. Enjoy the puzzle.